My Shopping Bag

NACC National Awards 2024

The NACC Awards are a real cause of celebration for care catering. They recognise those that continually demonstrate excellence, dedication, innovation and exceptional service across the sector.

The prestigious awards shine a spotlight on the many outstanding contributions to care catering over the past 12 months. An abundance of innovation, excellence and dedication was demonstrated by the winning teams and individuals, together with resilience, agility and care, in what has continued to be a challenging period for the care catering sector.

The awards are open to all members.

For each category nomination, you must submit a summary of no more than 500 words on a single A4 page (word count to be shown) together with supporting evidence of no more than 8 single sided A4 pages (photos are to be included within this allowance) to demonstrate that management systems are in place which clearly identify how you meet or exceed the evaluation criteria for your chosen category.

If you wish to submit another nomination, your entries must be unique to each category.

We will not accept any submissions that has been repeated for multiple categories. If the submission criteria is not met, your entry will not be considered for shortlisting.

Please send your submission and supporting evidence via email to at the NACC Events Office.

Submissions are now closed.
Shortlist will be announced mid-August.

Categories Include: